This work was inspired by the Performance SALT, directed by Vanessa Earl with choir master Robbie Blake which took place in May 2023. In the Ode to the Sea that was sung by the singers,Cliodhna,the feminine goddess of the Sea was invoked to inspire awareness of all the endangered marine creatures that need our protection and love.The marine crestures presented in the vessel are all endangered in Ireland; the basking skark, the skate, the spiny seahorse, the octopus and mearl,as well as the puffin, curlew and lapwing.
I felt that the SALT performance was a votive offering to Cliodhna and touched the heart of all who experienced it. My intention to make this vessel is a tribute to this urgent call to protect the marine environment that belongs to all of us and an appeal to join the Fair Seas organisation to create as many Marine Protected Areas in Ireland as possible.